Our Founder

From the founder, to you:

Hi There!

FixMyCurls came out of a place of pure concern for every Indian Curly girl I ever knew. I grew up never seeing curls in the media, pop culture, in stores, or anywhere I went. I felt like they were a taboo, to be big, natural and real, was unheard of!

Until a couple months ago, I was living in Vancouver, where I had an abundance of curly girl support and privilege. When I came back to India for a semester, I was in desperate need of new products once my old ones ran out. Shipping charges were CRAZY and I felt lost. I soon began following blogs on Instagram and Facebook for CG friendly products in India, and realised how nobody actually represented us! From mayonnaise as a deep conditioner, to mens hair gel as a styler, I couldn’t help but wonder if there was something I could do.

So I created this brand, to represent us, our stories, our journeys from hating to loving our natural coils. These products are made with love, respect and gratitude, from one curly girl to another.